Social Mobility and Innovation – Shaping Inclusion for the Future

September 14, 2023

3:00 pm


4:30 pm

Social Innovation Alcove

Drawing together a panel from across industries and social sectors, this panel will explore ways in which innovation connects to social mobility. Panelists will discuss how innovation impacts, supports and fuels social mobility with a focus on under-represented communities. Panelists will also address how CSUSM, as the #1 ranked institution of higher education for social mobility by CollegeNet, holds a key role in the innovation arena and education to career pipeline.

More Sessions

Performance by Irving Flores Jazz Quartet

Networking at Gallagher Square

Don’t love networking? No worries, we got you! Thanks to a partnership with Startup Beach, you can get matched with someone to meet with to end the night! You’ll need to set up a Startup Beach profile, so you can get matched with someone with similar interests. Choose from one of the 5 groups below, and then find the flag at Gallagher Square and meet up.


North County
Life Science

Entrepreneurs with Impact: Creating a Better Tomorrow by Innovating Today

Hear from founders catalyzing social good with their startups either through the products themselves, the clients they serve or the ways in which they are developing new pipelines of talent.

Energy Startups: Meet the Cleantech Champions Powering our Energy Scene

Interested in emerging energy technologies? Hear from the brightest talent in Cleantech San Diego’s Southern California Energy Innovation Network, developing solutions to help California meet its energy goals. Moderated by Zac Dobbin.