Chris Mason

CEO of Sun Vectors

Chris Mason is a clinician-scientist with over 30 years of cell and gene therapy experience spanning R&D clinical medicine, manufacturing, and commercialization. He is a serial entrepreneur, including a Founder and CEO of Sun Vectors, and Founder and Board Director of OriBiotech, both focused on enabling cell and gene therapy for everyone regardless of geography or financial resources. He was a Founder and former Chief Scientific Officer at Avrobio and Board Director of several companies, including Krystal Biotech and Papillon Therapeutics. Chris was instrumental in the founding of the industry advocacy group, the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine [ARM], and is a current Board Director. He is a Full Professor of Cell and Gene Therapy at University College London, and is the Senior Editor of the journals, ‘Cell and Gene Therapy Insights’ and ‘Regenerative Medicine’.

Speaker Sessions

Biotech Innovators: JLABS Founder to Founder Chats

Hear founder stories from JLABS current residents, all of whom have been part of Connect’s Springboard, Cool Company and Venture Summit programs.