Stephanie Ramos

Vice President, R&D Biology at TriLink Biotechnologies

Stephanie has extensive R&D experience in the biotechnology/pharmaceutical industry at several stages of drug development, from preclinical discovery and nonclinical IND-enabling through clinical assay development and product characterization. Her expertise includes nucleic-based vaccines and immunotherapeutics, small molecules, and biologics, all for a variety of disease indications including autoimmunity, infectious diseases, and cancer. She is currently VP of R&D Biology at TriLink. Prior, leading a team developing innovations in the mRNA space. Prior to joining TriLink, Stephanie spent over 15 years in R&D in different San Diego/Southern California area companies, both small VC-funded startups mid-sized biotech. She received her B.S. in Molecular Biology from UC San Diego and her PhD in Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry from UC Irvine.

Speaker Sessions

San Diego’s RNA Cluster – Powering Public Health and the Economy

San Diego County is the premier location for RNA therapeutics. Stephanie Ramos from TriLink moderates a panel of local experts, and shares a forum for continual education highlighting the positive impact of RNA medicines on public health.