Fission, Fusion & Climate Innovation

September 23, 2024

4:15 pm


Wind, Nuclear, renewables. General Atomics work on fusion is world leading.  Supply chain issues must be overcome for fusion to be commercialized.  There’s thermo-nuclear propulsion, TRIGA reactors, and why the military plays a critical role in projecting American power around the world.  Are we making progress? 

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Startup World Cup

We are proud to host Startup World Cup, a global competition that connects top startups, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and tech CEOs. Four finalists will pitch, with one selected to move forward. The winner will go to the Grand Finale in San Francisco to pitch for the $1M prize in front of 400+ VCs.

Entrepreneurs with Impact: Creating a Better Tomorrow by Innovating Today

Hear from founders catalyzing social good with their startups either through the products themselves, the clients they serve or the ways in which they are developing new pipelines of talent.

Fireside Chat: Driving Innovation through Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the County

This fireside chat brings together three key leaders from the County of San Diego to discuss how innovation, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) intersect in the County’s initiatives. The conversation will explore the County’s approach to EDI in public services, community engagement, workforce development, and contracting. Attendees will gain insights into how the County ensures equitable opportunities for small businesses, supports diverse communities, and integrates EDI into its innovation strategies.