Brian Mesic

Managing Director at Ankona Capital

Brian is a co-founder and Managing Director at Ankona Capital, investing in early growth stage B2B software companies.  Ankona is investing out of its second fund and has raised $250M since its 2019 inception.  Brian serves on the board of directors of San Diego based companies Cordial, Walla, and Lawmatics and is an observer on the board of directors at Soci.  Brian also sits on the board of directors at VideoAmp.

Speaker Sessions

AI: Perspective from a Silicon Valley Investor

SV Angel is one of the most prolific AI investors in the world.  What are they seeing in the market, horizontal vs vertical? Is AI being integrated everywhere?  What does it mean to software engineers?  What about state and federal policy?  How is it all going to impact our businesses and our daily lives?