Chiara Leroy

Equity Impact Manager at the County of San Diego Office of Equity and Racial Justice

Chiara Leroy is an experienced professional whose diverse background includes working in non-profit organizations, in biotech conducting stem cell research for diabetes and pancreatic cancer, and in government managing public health and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) programs. She has been with the County of San Diego for over seven years, currently as an Equity Impact Manager for the County’s Office of Equity and Racial Justice. Her passions revolve around addressing the needs of vulnerable and underserved populations, especially regarding health access and S.T.E.M. education opportunities.

Speaker Sessions

Fireside Chat: Driving Innovation through Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the County

This fireside chat brings together three key leaders from the County of San Diego to discuss how innovation, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) intersect in the County’s initiatives. The conversation will explore the County’s approach to EDI in public services, community engagement, workforce development, and contracting. Attendees will gain insights into how the County ensures equitable opportunities for small businesses, supports diverse communities, and integrates EDI into its innovation strategies.