Katie Wilson

Regional Manager of AI & ML at Oracle America

Katie Wilson is the Regional Sales Manager of Oracle’s Data Platform Cloud and High-Performance Computing Infrastructure Services. Her day-to-day role involves consulting with clients on how to leverage technology to achieve their business goals. In the case of Machine Learning and AI, specifically, she regularly shares insights about how to operationalize new technologies to automate manual processes, streamline workflow inefficiencies, and derive new insights from large amounts of data. Her academic background is in International Economics and Global Development Studies. Her thesis focused on economic, social, and political perspectives on Global Development. Bringing together her professional and academic interests over time has increased her curiosity about the relationship between technology and social progress.

In her spare time, she co-leads the Oracle Women’s Leadership Group in Santa Monica and has done so for the past 4 years. She is passionate about the group’s mission of creating opportunities for employees to enhance their leadership skills, strengthen their professional networks, and foster an inclusive workplace. She lives in neighboring Sawtelle with her husband Ryan and their cat Frances.

Speaker Sessions

Can AI Shatter Ceilings? Technology and the Future of Systemic Change

Hear about leaders in tech and community discuss the potential opportunities and challenges that AI offers to instigate systemic change in our social and scientific systems. Moderated by Christie Marcella.